Another action packed year in the books! There was one major difference that set this one apart; sobriety from alcohol for the first time in my adult life. The outcome? An end of the year wrap up I couldn’t be more happy with or proud of.

The year started off in California at a personal rock bottom, drowning in alcohol and suicidal thoughts. It was in that space I decided enough was enough. How many times can you apologize for your actions before people finally write you off? My words will never do justice for the gratitude I have for the few that have stuck it out with me.

Two friends in New Jersey invited me come stay with them to help facilitate my new found sober footing. From this experience I decided it was finally time to achieve 2 life goals; riding freight trains across Canada, and going to Europe.

Who knew how much richer life could be when you let go of toxic behaviors? I’m not high posing like I have the answers, I don’t. One thing I can say though, is leaving behind toxic habits is as simple or complex as making the choice.

I was once told that no lasting change can be made until you understand that the pain of your repeated behaviors will forever outweigh the pain of facing what’s causing those behaviors in the first place.

To anyone struggling, please remember the choice is yours, but yours alone.